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Pick Your Favorite Non-Profit and Volunteer This Summer

Young and older that volunteer in the summer

Summer 2018 is your season to give back! The kids are out of school and the days are getting longer, so make this your summer to make an impact!

There are so many benefits to volunteering and giving back to your community, especially in the summer. Here are three reasons to give back this summer in the way of volunteering.

Contact Blue Cares for volunteer opportunities. There are plenty of events going on year-round. Project Caring for Juniors is one of our programs where we partner with the San Antonio Food Bank to ensure children who attend a Title 1 Elementary School have healthy snacks and food options during their time away from school. To learn more about this volunteer opportunity click here. Other Blue Cares events with volunteer opportunities include The Sporting Clay Shoot, which just took place and the San Antonio Police Officers’ Association’s annual picnic, which is thrown for former and current members.

Volunteer time may not always fit your schedule but you will likely find an organization with the right schedule if not Blue Cares. Where you can’t give time, giving donations to your favorite non-profits can make just as big of an impact. Non-profits cannot function without the help of its donors and volunteers. To learn more about donations and initiatives your donations will go to, click here.

This summer, give what you can and in your own way. Take charge of this summer and make it one you will remember for the differences you could make in your community.

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