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Behind the Scenes Hero

Award being given

When calling to mind Police Heroes, one might think of the badge, the uniform and the front lines in the battle of keeping us all safe.  Rarely is there public acknowledgement of those behind the scenes, working for the overall good of the department, and ultimately, the community.

On February 25th one such acknowledgment was made.  Karen Dawkins, public safety communications supervisor in Burleson, Texas, was awarded the Civilian Employee of the Year award.

“Karen Dawkins is dedicated to helping her fellow employees within the communications office,” the nomination read.  “She is always willing to help cover shifts or supplement other dispatchers during times of high call volume. She has been a driving force in developing a comprehensive training program for new employees within her section and ensures that all employees are trained to fullest capabilities before they are released to a shift by themselves.”

What does all of this mean?  Without employees like Dawkins, no police department would run as smoothly and attend to the safety and well-being of its citizens in as timely a manner. Sometimes that timely manner is a difference between life and death.

Dawkins replied in response to her nomination and award that she was, “extremely honored to have been nominated, and overwhelmed at having been selected . . . there are so many within the department that are worthy . . . “

Dawkins has worked in public safety since 1996 when she was a volunteer with a local police department.  This position lead to part-time then full-time dispatcher position.  She then continued her career in dispatcher training and ultimately, being hired in Burleson in 2000 where she earned certification in communications and became a supervisor.

You too can make a difference with local law enforcement without becoming an officer of the law.  There are many opportunities for civilians in our area to support our police and the public safety efforts of our city.

Dawkins has made a daily, personal promise: “Today I will do my best to protect those who protect the rest.”

Do you?

Thank you for backing the blue!

(source: texaspolicenews)

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